The order of things

Chaos is the bed of creation. It affords possibility and being.

Order arises from chaos, yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics claims the opposite.
Entropy is the supreme chaos, yet affords no possibility.

Human affairs; the will to power and the order imposed on beings.
For all the reasons we inherently accept, we allow an order to be imposed on us as individuals.
This imposition is defining. It becomes you as you acquiesce to its dictates.
You become the role describing your behavior, your attitudes, your concerns and values, ultimately.
The myth of individual liberty claims for each of us the choice of being who we are.
The considered view of this myth against the backdrop of imposed order reveals unfreedom.

Even in democratic moments, the order is evident. Debates are limited to issues, these defined by the interests vested in the process of political economy.

But the consideration should address childhood, primarily. By the time one has matured into oneself defined by the context of imposed order/culture, very little originality remains from which to effect a deconstruction. Such attempts usually end in demolition.

The problem is encountered at birth and deepens with time. It is not enough to be born. One needs to become. And here is the crux of the problem. What to become, who to become. As if the self you are, your original consciousness is unacceptable.


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