...Mr. Nice Guy...

As the stream of police trucks and machinery arrive around the US to stop the legitimate protest and free exercise of rights by the citizens of the "world's greatest democracy", it is hard to see the end of this in anything but misery and violence, and triumph.
The people have spoken and the special interests have reacted with mace, lies, beatings, deception. How do they think this will end? The beauty of this moment lies in the history of social movements that demanded justice and fairness. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.", said Ghandi. The man who helped free India, the father of that nation, the world's greatest democracy, knew of what he spoke. Obviously, such wisdom is wasted on the anti-democratic forces of the right, but rest assured The People of United States and the people of this planet know the value of Ghandi's struggles and insight.
"...then you win."


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