
It is an unfortunate development in post-modern societies that populations accept extreme psychological and behavioral control.
 The question deserves to be asked, "Why do we permit subjugation of our right to decide how to live?"
 There co-exists in this tolerance for control a tendency toward willful ignorance and avoidance. If we can just avoid the issues we can avoid having to choose for our selves and our lives.

 I am not a libertine or a libertarian, but I feel constrained by societal limitations placed on my experience of my own freedom and right to choose. I reject political claims that a human cannot be trusted to choose and to control ones own destiny. I reject the rules imposed on me by those who profit from terror, those who restrict and profile us for the sake of avoiding their own sins. I reject those who would tell me what I can drink, watch, smoke, think, say...I reject those who expect me to be what they want me to be.
I refuse this vile conformity that makes us all poorer, with the exception of those who are getting richer from our subjection. It is time to reject and to refuse the corrupt authority that is enslaving us incrementally.


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