
We are fragile, little thin-skinned beings. Even insects have more to protect them.
They hardly give a care, as they go about their tasks.
We complain and cry, we are unhappy and dont really know why.
The beetle carries on, even when all it has to eat is shit.
We want gluten-free life, so we don’t have to feel the actuality of “it”.
Bees work, arduously, not in anticipation of a day or a weekend free.
But if we don’t get a break at 10:30, for a smoke or a coffee?
Well…it’s just so unfair.
Not red in tooth and claw are we, not even fit to roam the forest at night, not ever to burn more brightly than our meager lamps allow.
A cockroach and his kin will be kings the day after tomorrow, the same as it was in a carboniferous age they remember, in some ancient memory.
Like little pink things that wriggle in fur-lined nests, we are so soft and oh so very weak.
But evolution offers a way to change, to toughen up and be free outside the cage.
We can become strong, in the face of opposition we can flourish.
Join us, join the great We.
Grow a hard shell. Be tarantula, be wasp, be armored.
Be chitinous and harsh, when you need to be.
Precarious? Hilarious! We’ll see…
Rest assured that when the wind blows, you will feel free.
And unless you are a dung beetle, don’t accept any shit.


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