Lluvia de Mujeres / 2

Wow. Snow. Yikes. Cold. YIKES.
Come here, I'll warm your toes on my tongue.

You have a doubt, let me
bury my nose in your skin
smell you to the bone.
I will sniff it out
and place it in the bin.

I love your wrinkles because I can’t see them.
Your eyes twinkle and shine too bright.
This incredible gift, your love light.
For me to use when I find myself
alone in darkest night.

I remain in love with you, she wrote.
I guess I will just have to see how long
I can remain tied up like this.

Morning sounds like mourning
Delight sounds like Thee Light
In the morning you’re delight,
in mourning You’re Thee Light.

Today you are madness, trembling and shakes inside and out. You have blasted my exterior clean of all the moss and pain that had become my second skin. I am raw, pink new skinned and in the wind of desire I am blown away again, wanting only your presence, your hand in mine, your touch...


As a farmer, I can say...it's all shit and death and rot!
But my love is that and MORE!
She fertilizes the ground of my being
she enriches me and makes my mushroom grow
she infects me with my mortality
my time here is my time her.



is not

what it

appears to be.

Waiting is not the

empty space,

the presence of absence,

the longing and yearning
of her place filled by
the being of her body

the void
devoid of any sense



for her is filled with the memories
of time spent together
the smell of her rose skin and sweetness of her voice
the mystery of her whispers in the dark
the embraces and kisses and caresses

My arms
locked tight
around her torso
the way she likes me
our tongues pressing
to discuss the depth
of our love and passion
her heat sweating me to a puddle

Before she comes to my side, while she is underway
she is a fullness almost unbearable
an extension of myself to the furthest reaches
of the universe
by her expansion of my very self to
the limits of loving.


for her

is not a hollow
it is not a space of doubt and need

I wait for her in gratitude and will wait
until she seeks my hands again

ending our waiting.


She spends her day playing at the silver fern,

masked in modern hijab, her veiled face hiding from the frigid northern winter.

She walks, she sees , she notes the passing fray and lovingly stays to record the spectacle.

This woman, this pioneer, this angel afoot, this unshed tear. I wait for her arrival.

I wait for the sun to shine on metal, I wait for her wandering sojourn, I wait for her on the 28th

In November, on February’s last date, mirrored valentine hearts in winter,

rosy cheek and lip in somber day

bring Spring, crocus, bring blue bells and shorten this night

for she keeps me waiting as seed in soil awaits warming rays.

I am swollen,

I am full,

I am breaking good,

I am promise,

I am promised

“A life of virtue will never eat you up or leave you angry or hungry”,

she takes my words by the hand and leads them down the aisle.


Unrequited/ 2017

Quick and sloppy, where no reply was needed...the difficulties of what
you face make me feel so small and irrelevant. I knew your life would
not let you go easily, it could not.

I am willing to let “us” wither on the vine . Not all flowers bear fruit, and I
know that what gift you were, you may not be perennial and if you
should come around again, it would be a discovery of a new bloom of a
familiar rose.

I make no claims on you. How can I? And to think you
would worry about being my shadow? I'll have none of a woman who would
walk in my shadow...I have learned the proper place for the man is
behind and to the left. On the curb, where he can be kicked if need

What the lady wishes is hard to discern, for her as well, that
is why a woman's prerogative is to change her mind.

I have never been good at such luxuries.But I do what the lady wishes,
always. I am a practical man, and despite your experience of me, I am
not prone to offer myself to any woman.

What I feel is quick to be
recognized,  but that does not mean I am unfamiliar with this feeling.
If you feel otherwise, or if it is a conflict or so much to be
balanced and maintained and reconsidered and maybe'd or maybe'd
not...I won't burden you with any of it. I remain me. I wait. You
become who you must already be.


She asked me today

as always

now I am up, set

for the life

of a cell.


A new life

precious as a baby

a promise to endure

devotion without alteration

for better or for worse

love’s the name for this

marriage, the bed for this

when two hearts meet

and true minds greet.

Where two hearts

beat as one

there is only One

She asked me today

as always

I expected

not this smile.

I am set for life

with her.


Into the deep blue of a night sky
pour my lone soul
and let the four winds blow these feelings to

Ask the magic of the moons caress
and the sparkle of stars
to change the forlorn to a smile,
plant on her lips this kiss I can't give
and fill her heart with all I long to say.

Send raven clouds
direct and swift as sparrows,
to wing my missing joy
by her bedside a day away.
Awaken her with the smile I save
for her
beautiful face.

Great wheels race,
take this
enraptured of darkness,
and speed the distant moment of return
nearer to this place
where separated
lovers meet.

Mantle dark,
which blankets many a sad lament,
take this weight of waiting,
lift it to the void,
for my strength can only bring it to me
on this wrinkled bed which
sags in the spot
where she would lay.

Throw off this cover,
and rend these stifling sheets,
urge the breeze she keeps
to wrap me
and air this space
of silent refrain for the voice that 
makes my days.

Deepest blue of this dark nights sky
send light,
a dawn,
to shine on me
while she sleeps
a land and far sea away,
and send to her the nights that burn
this hole inside of me.


I went out to harvest the next bunch of black eyed peas...wandered with my dogs, watched the sky darken and pink sunset clouds in contrast to the higher white cirrus clouds...

thought of my lost life, love and wife.

Thanked the Universe for all of it.

The sky has darkened to that incredible purplishblue

\that precedes the fall of night.

Day never ends on Earth neither does Night.

Our world is always awake and asleep at the same time.

Wonder why humans are asleep awake so much?



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