
Showing posts from August, 2013

I am not the State

Opposing forces are organized politically. The dominant force establishes governments. The governments derive their power from consent. The consent flows from the public which is composed of factions that define the opposing forces in a society. The notion of authority being derived is the central notion of representative government. As the factions that support the government begin to become disaffected from policies the governments impose, the nature of government changes. It becomes the state. Government becomes corrupted into the state as less of it's authority is derived legitimately. Then the image of government is imposed on the public, government becomes repressive. Such is our time that we face a grand opposition. The opposing forces are squaring off again, but this time there will be conflict specifically directed against the state. It has come this far.

"Vainglorious" Notes from Under The Volcano...character sketches.

He had that mixture of arrogance and intelligence that made his mind attractive to thinkers and threatening to everyone else. He even revelled in his smugness at times, realizing that affectation was as much a tool of persuasion as facts and sound arguments. It had served him well, earning him a good income in the rarefied cultural environment of the wealthy and culturally influential. His knowledge, experience and skills, had made his life comfortable. He had rubbed elbows with the greats of contemporary art, the collectors and shining stars from both coasts were no stranger to him. He had enjoyed many conversations with masters in their field who often ended up disagreeing with his points but would remain engaged... "He was the kind of old fool that burst into a house, shouted nonsense and returned twice more to drive the point home." To be "enabled" means so little on the face of it. Unless one finds oneself disabled, limited, perhaps by an...